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Module 1 - CBC with Differential blood panel

The most commonly run blood panel gives you information about the different types of anemia (macrocytic and microcytic). Learn which is the priority to address first. The CBC also confirms what the immune system is doing and how you can tell if someone is fighting an acute infection or a chronic infection or if there may be a parasite present. This video is free to view and is the best starting point when learning about blood labs. 

Module 2 - Blood Sugar and Cardiovascular blood panels

Current lipid panels are over 50 years old. There are far more specific blood markers you can use to assess someone's likelihood of developing a cardiac problem. The inflammation markers aren't ordered very often and even if they are, there's typically nothing done about the results. This module will teach you the most updated labs and what to look for when analyzing the cardiac blood markers. Also, included are the blood sugar patterns and what certain markers mean and what symptoms someone may experience with positive blood markers. 

Module 3 - Metabolic panel (Liver/Kidneys/Digestion)

The metabolic panel gives you a lot of information about several systems in the body. Liver enzymes for example are often overlooked and 'early fatty liver' is not addressed on routine labs. The liver enzymes don't need to be drastically elevated to warrant some sort of action being taken to help the liver. The kidneys can give information about how balanced the blood is and there are markers to look for in regard to digestion/leaky gut conditions. This panel is very common, and the information learned could make a huge difference in someone's health. 

Module 4 - Thyroid panel

The thyroid panel is very misunderstood and not emphasized enough in today's healthcare. TSH is typically the only marker ran and only 4 of 39 thyroid conditions are reflected by TSH alone. You will learn what the other thyroid markers are and how they tell you different things about what's going on. This is not an easy panel to understand but a very important one when trying to assess each individual's underlying conditions and what the root cause is. This module is highly recommended. 

Module 5 - Identifying patterns

When you've completed the first 4 modules and have a good grasp on blood markers the last step is being able to recognize patterns that occur with certain conditions. Each individual is unique and as such needs to be treated that way. There are certain patterns that many people have, and the key is to not only recognize the patterns but identify which patterns are a biggest priority. Once you've mastered the art of pattern recognition, you'll be well on your way to helping yourself and others. 

PowerPoint slides are available separately. 

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